
Цены на видеокарты упадут уже в июле


Снижающаяся прибыль от майнинга приводит к закрытию множества малых и средних ферм, а крупные компании больше не заказывают новое оборудование. Сейчас мировой рынок видеокарт насчитывает на складах несколько миллионов ускорителей, а NVIDIA ожидает продажи примерно одного миллиона GPU. С учётом того, что майнеры также начнут продажи бывших в употреблении видеокарт, аналитики ожидают значительного удешевления новых ускорителей.

Что касается нового GPU от NVIDIA, известного как Turing, то аналитики ожидают перенос его выпуска на IV квартал, после того, как запасы на складах вернуться к безопасному уровню.
аналитика видеокарты прогнозы рынок майнинг


Graphics card prices expected to drop in July

The cryptocurrency mining chill has weakened demand for graphics cards, with suppliers planning to axe prices trying to clear their inventory. Sales of ASIC mining systems have also been significantly impacted by the stagnant demand, according to sources from the upstream supply chain.

The sources pointed out that graphics card prices are expected to see an average drop of around 20% in July, while the dramatic slowdown in orders for mining ASICs will also negatively affect revenues at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) as well as its IC design service partners, such as Global Unichip, in 2018.

The dwindling profitability has sent small-to-medium mining firms gradually bowing out from the market, while large mining firms have also cut their procurements of new machines.

Currently, the worldwide graphics card market has an inventory of around several million units and Nvidia has around a million of GPUs waiting to be released, said the sources. With cryptocurrency miners also expected to begin selling their used graphics cards to the retail channel, vendors are expected to introduce major price cuts to compete.

Nvidia's next-generation GPUs made using TSMC's 12nm and 7nm processes are also expected to be postponed to late fourth-quarter 2018 until after inventory returns to safe levels, the sources said.

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