Ïîìîùü - Ïîèñê - Ïîëüçîâàòåëè - Êàëåíäàðü
Ïîëíàÿ âåðñèÿ: µTorrent
Ôîðóì íà âñå ñëó÷àè æèçíè > Ïðîãðàììíîå îáåñïå÷åíèå > SoôòîWûé RóëåZ
Ñòðàíèöû: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Íàæìèòå äëÿ ïðîñìîòðà ïðèêðåïëåííîãî ôàéëà

Îô. ñàéò: http://www.utorrent.com
ÎÑ: Windows / Mac / Linux / Android
Ñòðàíèöà çàãðóçêè: http://www.utorrent.com/downloads/win

×àñòî çàäàâàåìûå âîïðîñû (FAQ): http://www.utorrent.com/help/faq | http://www.utorrent.com/intl/ru/help/faq

Ôîðóì: http://forum.utorrent.com
µTorrent Version 1.6.1 (build 488)

- Feature: Select upload/download speed for a torrent through the rightclick menu
- Feature: Added encryption box to speed guide
- Change: Don't check as many pieces at the same time.
- Change: Misc WebUI changes.
- Change: Switch to JSON for webinterface
- Fix: Problem with category list in the gui when updated from the webui
- Fix: WebUI not clearing state between requests.
- Fix: Redirect also index.html to guest.html
- Fix: Added On Now shows the time it's added, not loaded.
- Fix: JSON uses " instead of '
- Fix: (a) Upnp fix
- Fix: Show pause icon when checking is paused.
- Fix: Fixed problems with XML parser
- Fix: Don't allow two message boxes to be shown in the RSS window
- Fix: Changed some window titles
- Fix: Fix malformed .torrent exploit
- Fix: Boss key field is now larger
µTorrent Version 1.6.1 (build 488)


µTorrent Version 1.6.1 (build 490)

µTorrent 1.6.1 Installation Program (646 kB):

µTorrent 1.6.1 Standalone (170 kB)
List of changes:
- Feature: Select upload/download speed for a torrent through the rightclick menu
- Feature: Added encryption box to speed guide

- Change: Don't check as many pieces at the same time.
- Change: Misc WebUI changes.
- Change: Switch to JSON for webinterface

- Fix: Problem with category list in the gui when updated from the webui
- Fix: WebUI not clearing state between requests.
- Fix: Redirect also index.html to guest.html
- Fix: Added On Now shows the time it's added, not loaded.
- Fix: JSON uses " instead of '
- Fix: (a) Upnp fix
- Fix: Show pause icon when checking is paused.
- Fix: Fixed problems with XML parser
- Fix: Don't allow two message boxes to be shown in the RSS window
- Fix: Changed some window titles
- Fix: Fix malformed .torrent exploit
- Fix: Boss key field is now larger
- Fix: PECompact bug causing crashes
µTorrent 1.7 Build 1355 Beta

- Feature: Open URL in browser from RSS Releases tab
- Feature: Handle different half-open limits on Vista flavors
- Feature: Display Opera peer id
- Feature: Display BitTyrant peer id
- Feature: Support 3-state checkboxes in addtorrent dialog treeview
- Feature: Support multiple selection in addtorrent dialog treeview
- Feature: The addtorrent dialog treeview now displays icons based on the type of the file
- Change: Adjust horizontal scrollbar size in addtorrent dialog treeview
- Change: Logging options now independently selectable
- Change: Force a re-check after download location change of a stopped torrent
- Change: Better memory management
- Change: Add ability to install a shortcut to the quicklaunch menu
- Change: Always custom-draw checkboxes in addtorrent dialog treeview
- Change: Add Torrent dialog selects all items by default (return to old behaviour)
- Change: Handle disconnect during handshake sequence
- Change: Increased default setting of bt.auto_ul_min
- Fix: Auto uplink now correctly updates seed-only limit
- Fix: Memory leak
- Fix: Improved management of halfopen connections (remove some edge conditions)
- Fix: Display an error for invalid folder name in the edit field while browsing for folder
- Fix: Refresh RSS releases icons after download
- Fix: Properly update icon on RSS releases if item is deleted from history
- Fix: Do not add RSS item to history or update smart episode filter if .torrent download fails
- Fix: Incoming port no longer gets set to 65535 if there is an error
- Fix: Check state of items in addtorrent dialog treeview are now updated when child items are toggled
- Fix: Uninstall display name is now unicode complaint and displays correctly across locales
- Fix: Shortcut names are now unicode complaint and display correctly across locales
- Fix: uTorrent client names of later versions are now displayed properly in the peers tab
- Fix: UPNP and NATPMP now map the correct port when port 0 is chosen

µTorrent 1.7 Build 1552 Beta
--- 2007-04-30: Version 1.7 (build 1549)
- Change: Don't force an immediate recheck when download path changes, check on next start
- Fix: More (rare) memory leaks
- Fix: outgoing connection management

--- 2007-04-28: Version 1.7 (build 1514)
- Fix: Enable use_rangeblock toggle

--- 2007-04-28: Version 1.7 (build 1509)
- Feature: Detection of several more clients including Shareaza alpha/beta
- Change: Improve locale autodetection
- Change: RSS item will only be added to history once
- Change: RSS downloader will follow user preference to automatically start downloads
- Change: Installation dialog text fields width changed for translators and display purposes
- Change: Don't change the selection when the bounds of the treeview is reached and up or down is pressed
- Change: The contents of the add torrent treeview header is now shown when dragging
- Change: The add torrent treeview header is now resized while dragging instead of just on mouse up
- Change: Display warning if user tries putting illegal characters in path for Add New Torrent
- Change: Move legend one square back in scheduler for translators
- Change: Rearrange controls in speed wizard for translators
- Change: Leave up and down speed blank in main window if rate is negligible
- Change: Tweak RSS feed parsing
- Change: Improved half-open connection management
- Change: Reconnect to peers immediately when switching seeding modes
- Change: Improved and configurable bad piece based banning
- Fix: Fix many memory leaks
- Fix: Smart episode filter will download first successful RSS entry if multiple candidates appear in a single feed update
- Fix: Pausing torrents in queue will show paused icon
- Fix: Various issues with torrents of same name from multiple RSS feeds
- Fix: Improved UPnP including compatablity with Hamachi
- Fix: Fix some refresh issues with Windows 98 and the tab control and search bar
- Fix: UPnP port is now upmapped on exit
- Fix: Bugs where the scrollbar didn't appear in general tab when switching torrents
- Fix: Incorrect display of peer versions of uTorrent 1.5.1-1.6.1beta clients
- Fix: Some multi-selection issues with the add torrent dialog treeview with Vista
- Fix: Fix some tab order issues with the speed dialog
- Fix: Fix some tab order issues with the speed tab; remove tabinput from graph and give tabinput to reset button
- Fix: The header in the add torrent treeview now resizes properly on Windows 95/98
µTorrent 1.70.1552 Beta îñâåæåííûé ðóñèôèêàöèåé :)
µTorrent 1.7 Build 1625 Beta

---- 2007-05-02: Version 1.7 (build 1625)
- Change: The treeview in the addtorrent dialog now should have the same border style as the old listview
- Change: The treeview horizontal scrollbar size in the addtorrent dialog is tweaked a bit to more closely match old listview
- Change: A couple more strings I18N'd
- Change: More comprehensive support of unicode pathnames
- Change: Revamped installation backend including better handling of failure cases and checking of NT permissions for determining where to install
- Change: Don't block while waiting to delete from disk
- Fix: Reversed sorting on many listviews
- Fix: Update torrent size after context menu action in addtorrent dialog
- Fix: Memory leaks of directory names and item images in addtorrent dialog treeview
- Fix: Have mousewheel work on controls in modal dialogs even when they don't have focus (i.e. treeview in addtorrent dialog)
- Fix: A few misc memory leaks
- Fix: Get rid of duplicate default button in install dialog - "Yes" should always be the default now
- Fix: The requests column in the peers tab is now sorted by active requests then pending requests, instead of just active requests
- Fix: More tab order fixes to RSS dialog
- Fix: Crash with older versions of RSS history
µTorrent 1.7 beta 1672

- Change: better DHT ping for BT node discovery
- Fix: potential crash bug on torrent removal
- Fix: rare memory leak in DHT
µTorrent 1.7 Build 1703 Beta

- Change: Prioritize seed queue based off seed/peer ratio (use_seed_peer_ratio)
- Change: Sort advanced settings by name
- Fix: Some ancient modal dialog bugs where nonmodal dialogs could get activated
- Fix: Bug where one addtorrent dialog could get activated when another was already active
- Fix: Don't repeatedly retry to start if another uTorrent window is discovered but hung
- Fix: uTorrent continues normal startup if another uTorrent instance is detected and exits; previously it would inform the user uTorrent was already running and exit
- Fix: incorrect DHT announce interval

µTorrent 1.70.1952 Beta
µTorrent 1.70.1952 Beta
--- 2007-05-22: Version 1.7 (build 1952)
- Feature: Client ID parsing for Blizzard Downloader
- Feature: Now remembers which log settings you had on each run when changed from the logger context menu
- Change: display text strings instead of numbers for piece priority
- Change: reply with "invalid request" if the webui is queried on the wrong port
- Change: RSS filter by episode can specify ending season in addition to episode
- Change: bt.graceful_shutdown waits for all cleanup before exiting
- Fix: Font size of progress bars in the main listview is the same as the rest of the listview
- Fix: fix piece priority display bug (incorrect index)
- Fix: Copy Selected Hosts now copies multiple hosts with a carriage return and a newline rather then just a newline
- Fix: Crash when clicking in window with torrent and then moving mousewheel outside application
- Fix: Log when the UPNP fails on the timeout (20 minutes), and on each timeout retry 3 times as it does at application launch

µTorrent 1.7 Build 1977 Beta
µTorrent 1.7 Build 2132 Beta

1.7 (build 2132)
- Change: RSS title parsing
- Change: Detect external IP
1.7 (build 1977)
- Change: use radio marks for Bandwidth Allocation menu items instead of check marks
- Fix: When installing to user profile directory uTorrent now tries to be smarter in choosing a localized program files directory name
- Fix: Work around a Wine bug where getsockname() returns success but keeps passed in port at 0 if socket already bound; thus uTorrent would itself reset back to port 0 if it was already in use
- Fix: Don't scroll general tab horizontally since it has no horizontal scrollbar

µTorrent 1.7 Build 2151 Beta

--- 2007-05-27: Version 1.7 (build 2151)
- Change: Remove a hack that was put in for Wine's getsockname() in build 2132; it didn't work correctly
- Fix: multifile torrents and url-list (still unsupported, but log instead of crash)
µTorrent 1.7 Build 2228 Beta

Version 1.7 (build 2228):
- Feature: allow > 65k pieces in the torrent creator (if piece size is >= 1mB)
Version 1.7 (build 2224):
- Feature: support > 65535 pieces (now 4294967295 is max)
- Change: don't turn off "check association on startup" if the user says no to the dialog (use the settings to turn it off)
- Change: Display an error dialog if the user types in an invalid path on a single file torrent for the "..." button
- Change: case insensitive hosts in flags.conf
- Change: RSS title parsing
- Change: Implement home, end, pageup, and pagedown selection with shift or control keys in the addtorrent dialog treeview
- Change: Some changes to make up, down, home, end, pageup, and pagedown keys in the addtorrent dialog treeview behave more like the old listview
- Fix: fix duplication connection race condition
- Fix: in filenames, replace trailing spaces with underscores (since Windows does not allow it)
- Fix: repair settings files with duplicate entries (and log about it)
- Fix: rss.start_matches broken with certain settings
- Fix: Dump memory info crash on Vista
- Fix: Would end up not rate limiting local peers if already connected before discovery and they were not on the local subnet

µTorrent 1.7 Build 2248 Beta

--- 2007-05-31: Version 1.7 (build 2248)
- Change: uTorrent now no longer forks on uninstallation so it should correctly be removed from add/remove programs on windows 95 varieties
- Change: include all adapters in subnet search for local peers
- Change: consider peers in reserved local ranges as local peers
- Change: don't limit local peers by default
- Change: sort RSS release qualities
- Fix: download rate limiting bug
- Fix: fix a bug with force recheck from 2224
µTorrent 1.7 Build 2407 Beta
µTorrent 1.7 build 2407 Beta
- Fix: update local peer limiting when settings change
- Fix: settings.dat could erroneously to be found corrupted when switching from 1.7 to 1.6.1 and back
- Fix: restore missing upload rate for local peers
- Fix: Make crash dialog and dumping work again in Windows 95 varieties
- Fix: Reset completed on date if new files are unskipped and completed
µTorrent 1.7 build 2407 Beta


--- 2007-06-05: Version 1.7 (build 2448)
- Change: Move UPnP logging to "error" and "verbose", depending
- Fix: DHT bootstrapping in many cases
- Fix: UPnP mapping when local IP changes
- Fix: spurious settings file integrity failure messages
µTorrent 1.7 Build 2465 Beta

--- 2007-06-06: Version 1.7 (build 2465)
- Change: There is a new command line option, "/NOINSTALL", which will bypass the installation dialog in most instances. Installer authors should always pass this argument on the first run of the program.
µTorrent 1.7 Beta Build 2481
µTorrent 1.7 Build 2517 Beta

- Change: Default to delete files to trash
- Change: Language file errors go to log instead of popup
- Change: Make autoupdater a bit smarter with its failure messages
1.7 (build 2481)
- Fix: fix a case where local peers would be rate limited regardless of the option

µTorrent 1.7 Build 2539 Beta
--- 2007-06-07: Version 1.7 (build 2539)
- Fix: Switch focus to the tab control when the user changes a tab and focus was in a previous tab
- Change: display local peer bandwidth in the totals (like the statusbar)
µTorrent 1.7 Build 2585 Beta
- Fix: tickling of Wine bug with TCP sockets
µTorrent 1.7 Build 2740 Beta
µTorrent 1.7 Build 2740 Beta
--- 2007-06-18: Version 1.7 (build 2733)
- Feature: Now requires or asks for elevation on Vista if needed. Currently this includes installation, uninstallation, autoupdate, and if settings files are in the same directory.
- Feature: Several of the messageboxes now can be turned off from the messagebox itself, and some have radio buttons instead of yes/no/cancel etc.
- Feature: Several of the messageboxes are now taskdialogs on Vista; a couple use commandlinks instead of yes/no/cancel etc.
- Feature: uTorrent now has a 256x256 compressed png icon for Vista
- Feature: The top toolbar in the main window is now a rebar and will collapse the left portion as the window size decreases
- Change: (technical) When launching uTorrent from another process, it should obey the showwindow flags passed through the STARTUPINFO
- Change: bt.auto_ul_min no longer specifies smallest speed sample, but the lowest auto rate
- Change: The search icon is now to the right of the searchbox
- Change: detect Wine only for TCP socket repair
- Fix: Refresh issues with listviews on pre-XP systems
- Fix: The rest of the webui preferences page is grayed out when it is disabled
- Fix: Off by one error in the speed tab graph

-- 2007-06-18: Version 1.7 (build 2740)
- Fix: Escape-style handling on the exit confirmation and a create torrent dialog
µTorrent 1.7 Build 2951 Beta
--- 2007-06-26: Version 1.7 (build 2951)
- Change: improvements to auto uplink management on very high bandwidth connections
- Change: bt.auto_ul_max has been removed
- Change: For messages boxes with checkboxes on pre-vista systems add the checkbox to the tab order and reduce the size between the checkbox and bottom buttons a bit

--- 2007-06-26: Version 1.7 (build 2936)
- Fix: Always consider drives formatted with the FAT and FAT32 file systems writable/accessible
- Fix: crash bug with Files tab

--- 2007-06-25: Version 1.7 (build 2922)
- Fix: crash bug with allow_same_ip

--- 2007-06-25: Version 1.7 (build 2899)
- Change: Tracker list rotates in UI with rate defined by gui.update_rate
- Fix: Search button is now hidden again if there are no search engines set in the options
- Fix: Toolbar is now hides properly again if the option is unchecked
- Fix: Crashes when minimized to tray and trying to close
- Fix: Low color icon no longer displays when not running in 32-bit color, instead 256 color icon is used always
- Fix: uTorrent now always runs as the launching user, even after it does UAC work, so opening .torrent files from explorer will now work correctly
- Fix: Memory leak in files tab
µTorrent 1.7 Release Candidate 1

--- 2007-06-28: Version 1.7 (build 2991)
- Change: Icon is tweaked to look better on black backgrounds and to be less grainy
- Change: Popup menu from toolbar when collapsed is now native with icons and text, and has a border

uTorrent 1.7 RC2 build 2999
èçìåíåíèÿ ïî Ìþ:
--- 2007-06-29: Version 1.7 (build 2999)
- Change: I18N a couple more strings
- Change: Consider all filesystem which don't supports ACL writable (which "fixes" an access issue with Wine)
- Change: More aggressive wine detection
- Fix: Windows 95 compatability due to a missing export
µTorrent 1.7 Build 3148 RC3
µTorrent 1.7 Build 3170 Beta

Àëüòåðíàòèâíûé ðóññêèé ïåðåâîä uTorrent 1.7 RC4 build 3170
© Kuzmich

ñîáñòâåííî âñå åãî ïåðåâîäû:
µTorrent 1.7 Build 3265 Release Candidate 5

- Change: Condense transfer speed text in status bar so it fits more easily
- Fix: In the add torrent dialog, don't put files in a folder that only partially matches it's parent
(i.e. "TD 1" should not go in "TD 10")
µTorrent 1.7 RC6 build 3295

- Change: Use 1.6 uTorrent icon
- Fix: remove unused BT strings
Utorrent 1.7 stable

--- 2007-07-12: Version 1.7 (build 3341)
- Change: use cached scrape stats if scrapes fail (up to 24 hours)
- Change: "When µTorrent has reached the seeding goal" -> "When µTorrent Reaches Seeding Goal" in Queue preferences to make capitalization consistant
- Change: Implement auto-resizing when header a divider in the addtorrent dialog treeview is double-clicked
- Change: Rework accelerator keys of toplevel menus in the download list right-click menu so that there are no duplicate accelerator keys
- Change: Use 48x48 icon
- Fix: crashes with addtorrent dialog treeview with torrents with a very large number of files in the same folder (100+)

--- 2007-07-10: Version 1.7 (build 3295)
- Change: Use 1.6 uTorrent icon
- Fix: remove unused BT strings
µTorrent 1.7 stable build 3353 (íåãðîìêîå îáíîâëåíèå)

--- 2007-07-13: Version 1.7 (build 3351)
- Fix: Determination of which peers are local on Windows 98 (and possibly other 95 varieties)
µTorrent 1.7.1 stable build 3360

--- 2007-07-13: Version 1.7.1 (build 3360)
- Fix: Invalid download amounts being reported to trackers for >4GB torrents
µTorrent 1.7.2 build 3458

2007-07-21: Version 1.7.2 (build 3458)
Fix: Disable Local Peer Discovery for private torrents
µTorrent 1.7.3 Build 4470
µTorrent 1.7.4 Build 4482
--- 2007-09-06: Version 1.7.4 (build 4482)
-Fix: DHT crash when Mainline clients were present

--- 2007-09-06: Version 1.7.3 (build 4470)
- Change: Returned to listview for addtorrent dialog
- Change: Always activate other instances of uTorrent, even if they were started with /HIDE or /MINIMIZE
- Change: do not let missing or unwanted pieces prevent endgame
- Change: improve compatability with Mainline DHT
- Change: DHT port message implementation
- Fix: Tentative fix for "Proxy for peer-to-peer connections" functionality if disabled
- Fix: Divide-by-zero crash in statistics
- Fix: Smarter guessing of whether to replace run on startup registry key in case user wants to modify it
- Fix: Hang when deleting files
- Fix: sending in cookie with rss feed item requests
µTorrent 1.7.5 Build 4602
--- 2007-09-11: Version 1.7.5 (build 4602)
- Fix: rare crash bug with malformed UPnP response
- Fix: downloads stalled in rare cases

Þçàåì àëüòåðíàòèâíûå ïîëíûå ïåðåâîäû Êóçüìè÷à:
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6102 Beta
Òàì æå
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6104 Beta
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6171

--2007-11-15: Version 1.8 alpha (build 6171)
- Change: Adding trackers via RSS autodownload does not override original label
- Change: Help option in Help menu now downloads and displays utorrent .chm manual instead of launching online FAQ
- Fix: extremely rare and extremely old crash bug with timing out disk jobs
µTorrent 1.8 6415
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6723 Alpha
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6806 Alpha

--- 2007-12-04: Version 1.8 alpha (build 6806)
- Change: default to "All" category on startup if none selected
- Fix: Some blank dialogs on Windows 9x
- Fix: Some dialogs on Vista that didn't use the native font
- Fix: some GDI leaks
- Fix: upnp never stopped updating if it was disabled (prevented tracker updates)

--- 2007-12-03: Version 1.8 alpha (build 6799)
- Change: Add support for more 4095 characters in edit controls and other windows
- Change: Make category selections a union
- Change: persist current initial-seed piece in settings
- Fix: It will run on Windows 9x again
- Fix: Cancelling an in-place edit in the main listview no longer accepts that value on Windows 9x
- Fix: Some blocks appearing in some scheduler day/time strings in the preferences dialog
- Fix: incorrect selected_cats length in settings
- Fix: adding blank url-list to .torrent on generation
- Fix: "&corrupt=" instead of "&corrupted="
- Fix: UPnP unmap issue, existant mapping with XP API
- Fix: seed-only mode in scheduler (https seeds were not stopping)
µTorrent 1.8 Build 6838 Alpha
Changes in µTorrent Version 1.8 alpha (build 6838), 2007-12-04:
- Change: friendly name logging in UPnP verbose log
- Change: prevent delete to trash from locking up transfers
- Fix: Showing of add feed dialog on Vista
- Fix: more GDI leaks
µTorrent 1.8 Alpha 7022

WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.8 Build 7022 Alpha:* Feature
: better Windows Firewall registration on Vista
* Change: move IpFilter and RangeBlock blocked messages to Peer Traffic
* Change: webui now looks for webui.zip on each request
* Fix: crash when deleting multiple RSS feeds
* Fix: crash with very large numbers of outstanding disk IO jobs
* Fix: minor titlebar and torrent list transfer rate mismatch
Ýòî òåêñòîâàÿ âåðñèÿ — òîëüêî îñíîâíîé êîíòåíò. Äëÿ ïðîñìîòðà ïîëíîé âåðñèè ýòîé ñòðàíèöû, ïîæàëóéñòà, íàæìèòå ñþäà.

Ðóññêàÿ âåðñèÿ Invision Power Board © 2001-2024 Invision Power Services, Inc.

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