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Все ссылки на сторонние ресурсы, за исключением офсайтов программ, должны оформляться с помошью тега скрытого текста - [hide=1]Ссылка[/hide]

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The Undertaker
18.03.2004 - 21:42
Сообщение #1

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Пользователь №: 521

Обмениваемся ссылками на интересные сайты посвящённые скриптам :)

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10.03.2008 - 14:43
Сообщение #126

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Сообщений: 9023
Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

Added new option constrain_menus, this enables you to force view port constraints on all menus. Contributed by Shane Tomlinson.
Fixed bug where table background wasn't visible inside the editor due to a default CSS rule overriding the style attribute.
Fixed bug where links would get a null class added if no styles was used in IE.
Fixed bug where spellchecker was auto focusing the editor in IE.
Fixed bug where document.domain would produce invalid argument if the editor was loaded in IE6 over a network UNC path.
Fixed bug where table height attribute was used, this is deprecated in XHTML so it now adds it as an style.
Fixed bug where textareas with style values would produce error in IE.
Fixed so the first element in each dialog is focused by default to enhance keyboard usage.
Fixed so you can add a mceFocus class to elements to make it auto focused.
Fixed so you can close dialogs using the esc key.
Fixed so you can press return/enter to submit the action of each dialog.
Fixed so tabbing inside an inline popups wont focus the resize anchor elements.
Fixed so you can press ok in inline alert messages using the return/enter key.
Fixed so textareas can be set to non px or % sizes for example em, cm, pt etc.
Fixed so non pixel values can be used in width/height properties for tables.
Fixed so the custom context menu can be disabled by holding down ctrl key while clicking.
Fixed so the layout for the o2k7 skin looks better if you don't have separators before and after list boxes.
Fixed so the sub classes get a copy of the super class constructor function to ease up type checking.
Fixed so font sizes for the format block previews are normalized according to http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/sample.html (it can be overridden).
Fixed so font sizes for h1-h6 in the default content.css is normalized according to http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/sample.html (it can be overridden).
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11.03.2008 - 08:36
Сообщение #127

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Из: bestfilez.net

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6.08.2008 - 07:25
Сообщение #128

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Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.1.0 Released
Here is a complete changelog of things we fixed:
Fixed bug where the paste as text didn't work correctly it was encoded and didn't produce paragraphs and br elements.
Fixed bug where embed element in XHTML style didn't work correctly in the media plugin.
Fixed bug where style elements was forced empty in IE. The will now be wrapped in a comment just like script elements.
Fixed bug where some script elements wrapped in CDATA could fail to be serialized correctly.
Fixed bug where FF 3 produced -moz- internal styles in some style attributes.
Fixed bug where query strings and external URLs didn't work correctly in style attributes.
Fixed bug where shape attribute of area elements got serialized as rect regardless of it's initial value in IE 6.
Fixed bug where selection of elements inside layers would fail in IE since focus was moved to the document body.
Fixed bug where pressing enter/return in an editable select box would produce an __mce_add_custom__ class value.
Fixed bug where changing font size of text placed inside a colored text chunk would remove the parent node.
Fixed bug where Opera 9.5 final produced a strange line break behavior due to a workaround for previous Opera versions.
Fixed bug where text/background color would produce a strange focus problem when you tried to click on the body in IE.
Fixed issue where selecting the title of an listbox equals the old 2.x behavior of changing the value to an empty string.
Fixed issue where it was common for the media plugin to break if the _value attribute wasn't added for the param element.
Fixed issue where the wrong parent editor instance might be updated if you use fullscreen mode in an incorrect way.
Fixed issue where Safari was producing a warning about the base element not being closed correctly.
Removed redundant form element name matching from regexp in the DOMUtils class.

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12.12.2008 - 09:12
Сообщение #129

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Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

Added new theme_advanced_default_background_color/theme_advanced_default_foreground_color options. Patch contributed by David Bildström (ChronoZ).
Fixed font style formatting compatibility issue with Adobe Air.
Fixed so legacy font elements get converted into spans even if cleanup_on_startup isn't enabled.
Fixed bug where pre elements could be incorrectly modified by an IE bug workaround. Patch contributed by hu vime.
Fixed bug where input elements inside inlinepopups wasn't editable in Firefox 2.
Fixed bug where the xhtmlxtras plugin wasn't replacing attribute values correctly.
Fixed bug where menu buttons in skin variants would look strange due to IE 8 fixes.
Fixed bug where WebKit browsers would on backspace take you back to the previous page if the editor was empty.
Fixed bug where DOMUtils decode method wouldn't handle strings larger than 4096kb due to node chunking.
Fixed bug where meta key wasn't handled as ctrl key on Mac OS X for custom keyboard short cuts.
Fixed bug where init event would get fired twice on WebKit on Mac OS X.

Release notes

Version 3.2.1
Added support for custom icon image for drop menus. Use icon_src to set a custom image directly.
Added new media_strict option to media plugin. Enables you to control if the flash embed is strict or not. Enabled by default.
Fixed so the editors script files gets dynamically loaded without using XHR or eval.
Fixed so the media plugin outputs valid XHTML object elements for Flash movies. Can be disabled with the media_strict option.
Fixed so dynamic loading doesn't require eval calls on non IE browsers for better Air support.
Fixed bug where the editor wasn't treated as empty if the remaining paragraph had attributes.
Fixed bug where id's of elements was removed ones they got wrapped in paragraphs. Patch contributed by ChronoZ.
Fixed bug where WebKit browsers where placing list elements inside paragraph elements.
Fixed bug where inserting images or links would produce absolute urls on WebKit browsers.
Fixed bug where values for checked, readonly, disabled and selected attributes was incorrect on IE.
Fixed bug where positive values for checked, readonly, disabled and selected attributes wasn't forced to valid values.
Fixed bug where selecting the first option in a native select box would produce an undefined error.
Fixed bug where tabindex 32768 could be outputted on IE if element attributes where cloned.
Fixed bug where the media dialogs preview window would display incorrect contents due to duplicate clsid prefixes.
Fixed bug where non pixel or percent heights for textarea elements would produce errors on IE.
Fixed bug where cdata sections in script elements wasn't handled correctly.
Fixed bug where nowrap of table cells would produce a 65535 value output.
Fixed bug where media plugin would produce an error if you selected the first item in the items list.
Fixed bug where media plugin would modify links with the item _value in them.
Fixed so table width/height is better forced if inline_styles is enabled. Patch contributed by daKmoR.
Fixed css for IE 8 such as opacity and other rendering quirks.

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30.06.2009 - 11:11
Сообщение #130

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Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.2.5 Released
Version 3.2.5
Added new jQuery plugin for the jQuery specific package. This enables you to more easily load and use TinyMCE.
Added new autoresize plugin contributed by Peter Dekkers. This plugin will auto resize the editor to the size of the contents.
Fixed so all packages have the same directory structure. Previous releases had a different structure for the production package.
Fixed so the paste from word dialog forces the contents to be processed as word contents even if it's not.
Fixed so the jQuery build adapter build works. It's currently only excluding Sizzle.
Fixed so noscript element contents is retained during the editing process.
Fixed bug where the getBookmark method would need a "simple" string input when the documented way is a boolean.
Fixed bug where invalid contents could break the fix_table_elements logic.
Fixed bug where Sizzle specific attributes would be serialized if the valid_elements was set to *[*].
Fixed bug where IE would produce an error if you specified a relative content_css and opened the paste dialog.
Fixed bug where pasting images on IE would produce broken images if they came from an external site.
Fixed bug where memory was leaked if you add/remove controls dynamically. Some event handlers wasn't removed properly.
Fixed bug where domain relaxing wasn't treated correctly if you added it after the TinyMCE script element.
Fixed bug where the activeEditor wasn't set to null if the last editor instance was removed.
Fixed bug where IE was leaking memory on the onbeforeunload event due to some recently introduced logic. Patch contributed by Options.
Fixed bug where inserting tables in Safari 4 didn't work due to a new WebKit bug where some element names are reserved.
Fixed bug where URLs having a :// value in the query string would make it absolute regardless of URL settings.
Fixed the WebKit specific bug where DOM Ranges would fail if the node wasn't attached to something in a different way.
Removed the auto_resize option and the resizeToContent method from the tinymce.Editor class. Use the new autoresize plugin inste
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7.07.2009 - 07:01
Сообщение #131

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Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

A WYSIWYG editor that brings to the web much of the power of desktop editors like MS Word
1,34 Mb
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25.08.2009 - 06:59
Сообщение #132

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Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 1583
Регистрация: 19.04.2006
Из: Самары

Пользователь №: 159636

PHP Report Maker 3.0.2 full

IPB Image
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7.09.2009 - 09:08
Сообщение #133

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Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

FCKEditor переименован в CKEditor, обновился до версии 3.0
Популярный визуальный текстовый редактор FCKEditor для Web-сайтов сменил свое название на CKEditor и обновился до версии 3.0. FCKEditor написан на JavaScript и предназначен для использования на Web-сайтах, распространяется сразу под тремя Open Source-лицензиями (GPL, LGPL и MPL). Переименование проекта в CKEditor было вызвано тем, что оригинальное название (оно происходит от инициалов разработчика продукта -- Frederico Calderia Knabben) вызывает недвусмысленные ассоциации англоязычной публики с небезызвестным ругательством из четырех букв. Новое название -- CKEditor -- образовано сокращением FCKEditor на одну букву, а также является аббревиатурой от "Content and Knowledge Editor". Среди новшеств в релизе CKEditor 3.0 выделяются улучшенная производительность, новый пользовательский интерфейс, а также JavaScript API с поддержкой плагинов. Кроме того, теперь редактор соответствует рекомендациям по доступности W3C WCAG и US Section 508.

Size: 1,75 Mb
Download: _http://download.cksource.com/CKEditor/CKEditor/CKEditor%203.0/ckeditor_3.0.zip
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7.09.2009 - 09:15
Сообщение #134

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Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.2.6 Released
Version 3.2.6
Added new wordcount plugin, this will display the number of typed words as you write. Contributed by Andrew Ozz.
Added new getNext and getPrev methods to DOM utils. These will return the first matching sibling.
Fixed bug where it was impossible to place the caret after a table on Gecko. It will now add a paragraph after tables.
Fixed bug where inline dialogs would fail if used in a window opened using a showModalDialog. Patch contributed by Derek Britt.
Fixed bug where IE could sometimes render a unknown runtime error on invalid input HTML.
Fixed bug where some incorrectly placed tables wouldn't be moved outside the paragraphs on IE.
Fixed bug where uppercase script/style element wouldn't be handled correctly and converted to valid lowercase.
Fixed bug where some WebKit versions on Mac OS X would produce issues with hidden select fields.
Fixed bug where the media plugin would fail on WebKit since the node wasn't properly imported to the right document.
Fixed bug where absolute URLs for the TinyMCE script using a base href element would cause loading problems in IE 6/7.
Fixed bug where pasting using the paste plugin wasn't possible on IE with to restrictive security settings.
Fixed bug where pasting of whitespace was impossible using the new custom paste method.
Fixed bug where pasting on some WebKit browsers would not work if you pasted specific contents due to a WebKit bug.
Fixed bug where doctypes with multiple lines would not be parsed correctly by the fullpage plugin. Patch contributed by Colin.
Fixed bug where the autoresize plugin would break the fullscreen functionality.
Fixed bug where tables would be chopped up running on IE using invalid contents and pasting paragraphs into a cell.
Fixed bug where the each method of jQuery build didn't iterate styleSheets. We now use the TinyMCE API one instead.
Fixed bug where auto switching to paragraphs after headers some times failed in Gecko.
Fixed so all editor options gets passed to the Serializer class. Patch contributed by Jasper Mattsson.
Fixed so script/style blocks isn't wrapped in paragraphs as other inline elements.
Fixed so the XHR requests sends the X-Requested-With HTTP header.
Fixed so the data url scheme is handled in the tinymce.util.URI class.
Changed inline documentation to use moxiedoc style comments.
Removed the compat2x plugin people should have upgraded to the 3.x API by now. 3.0 was released more then a year ago.
Re-added Gecko specific message for users who doesn't understand the security concept regarding paste.
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9.12.2009 - 20:50
Сообщение #135

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Сообщений: 9023
Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.2.7 Released
Version 3.2.7
Fixed bug where uppercase paragraphs could still produce an invalid DOM tree on IE.
Fixed bug where split command didn't work on WebKit since the node serializer needs a real document to work with.
Fixed bug where it was impossible in Gecko to place the caret before a table if it was the first one.
Fixed bug where linking to urls like ../../ would produce an extra traling slash ../..//.
Fixed bug where the template cdate functionality was using an old 2.x API call. Patch contributed by vectorjohn.
Fixed bug where urls to the same site but different protocol would be converted when relative_urls where set to false. Patch contributed by Ted Rust.
Fixed bug where the paste plugin would remove mceItem prefixed classes.
Fixed bug where the paste plugin would sometimes add items in a reverse order on WebKit.
Fixed bug where the paste buttons would present an error message on Gecko even if you changed user.js. Patch contributed by Todd (teeaykay).
Fixed bug where Opera would crash if you had tables incorrectly placed inside paragraphs.
Fixed bug where styles elements wasn't properly processed if you had bad input HTML.
Fixed bug where style attributes wasn't properly forced into a specific format.
Fixed bug and issues with boolean attributes like checked, nowrap etc.
Fixed bug where input elements could override attributes on form elements.
Fixed bug where script or style elements could get modified by the DOMUtils processHTML method.
Fixed bug where the selected attribute could get lost when force root blocks logic got executed on IE. Patch contributed by Attila Mezei-Horvati.
Fixed bug where getAttribs method didn't handle boolean attributes correctly on IE.
Fixed so the paste from word dialog is presented if you paste content on an IE with to restrictive security settings.
Fixed so the paste_strip_class_attributes option is set to none by default in the paste plugin.
Removed default border=0 on tables for the default value of valid_elements.
660 Kb
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16.12.2009 - 18:28
Сообщение #136

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Сообщений: 9023
Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

Pixie 1.02 - движок для блога
Небольшая бесплатная блоговая CMS с большим списком возможностей. Система уже имеет немалое количество шаблонов, модулей и плагинов, которые можно скачать с сайта разработчика.

Демо: _http://demo.getpixie.co.uk/
Админ.демо: _http://demo.getpixie.co.uk/admin/
Размер: 1.1 Мб
Download: _http://pixie-cms.googlecode.com/files/pixie_v1.02.zip
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4.02.2010 - 14:51
Сообщение #137

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Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.3b1

Новый дижок форматирования
Новая версия TinyMCE 3.3 идет вместе с новым движком для форматирования: жирный, курсив, определения размера шрифта и многих других функций. С использованием новых функций, будет намного проще добавлять и работать с пользовательским форматированием, и снизится колличество ошибок браузеров.

Проблемы execCommand
Большинство распространенных WYSIWYG редакторов используют для форматирования функцию execCommand. Именно так делалось в TinyMCE перед этой версией. Проблема с этим подходом в том, что каждый браузер интерпретирует эту команду по своему, и большинство реализаций глючат. На протяжении долгого времени постоянно исправлялись ошибки, но полностью исправлены совсем немногие.
В то время, когда браузер выполнял команды, движок редактора решал его ошибки. Для этого запускалась специальная очистка. Проблема в том, что некоторые специфические случаи обрабатывались довольно трудно, и для них требовалось много хаков. Поэтому, было принято решения эту часть исправить.

Новые варианты, новые возможности
Формат шрифта теперь можно задавать вручную. Например, можно переопределить жирный и курсив, вместо стандартных strong и em.
// Переопределение внутреннего форматирования
formats : {
    bold : {inline : 'span', 'classes' : 'bold'},
    italic : {inline : 'span', 'classes' : 'italic'}
// Используется в выпадающем меню «Формат»
style_formats : [
    {title : 'Bold text', inline : 'b'},
    {title : 'Red text', inline : 'span', styles : {color : '#ff0000'}}
Новое API
API довольно проста в использовании. Всё, что необходимо сделать, это добавить свой стиль текста в хэш formats или использовать функцию register. Ниже приведен пример, как зарегистрировать формат и применять его к выделенному тексту.
tinymce.activeEditor.formatter.register('mycustomformat', {
    inline : 'span',
    styles : {color : '#ff0000'}
Улучшенный HTML на выходе
Новый движок выполняет работу на более высоком уровне, чем прежде. С этого момента, тэги отвечающий за форматирование — объединяются. Когда вы применяете размер шрифта и цвет к выбранному слову, то это порождало сразу два тэга:
<span style="font-size: medium;"><span style="color: #ff0000;">word</span>
Новый движок понимает это, и объединяет тэги в один:
<span style="font-size: medium; color: #ff0000;">word</span>
Аналогично с классами:
<span class="bold italic">word</span>
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5.02.2010 - 12:02
Сообщение #138

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Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.3b2 Released
Version 3.3b2 (2010-02-04)
Fixed bug where sometimes img elements would be removed by split method in DOMUtils.
Fixed bug where merging of span elements could occur on bookmark nodes.
Fixed bug where classes wasn't properly removed when removeformat was used on IE 6.
Fixed bug where multiple calls to an tinyMCE.init with mode set to exact could produce the same unique ID.
Fixed bug with the IE selection implementation when it was feeded an document range.
Fixed bug where block elements formatting wasn't properly removed by removeformat on all browsers.
Fixed bug where selection location was lost if you performed a manual cleanup.
Fixed bug where removeformat wouldn't remove span elements within styled block elements.
Fixed bug where an error would be thrown if you clicked on the separator lines in menus.
Fixed bug with the jQuery plugin adding always adding a querystring value to other resources.
Fixed bug where IE would produce an error message if you had an empty editor instance.
Fixed bug where Shift+Enter didn't produce br elements on WebKit browsers.
Fixed bug where a temporary marker element wasn't removed by the paste plugin.
Fixed bug where inserting a table would produce two undo levels instead of one.
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31.03.2010 - 11:48
Сообщение #139

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Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.3.2 Released
changelog http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/changelog.php
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20.04.2010 - 09:04
Сообщение #140

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Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.3.3 Released
changelog http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/changelog.php
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28.04.2010 - 11:00
Сообщение #141

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Сообщений: 9023
Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.3.4 Released
Version 3.3.4
Fixed bug where fullscreen plugin would add two editor instances to EditorManager collection.
Fixed bug where it was difficult to enter text on non western languages such as Japanese on IE.
Fixed bug where removing contents from nodes could result in an exception when using undo/redo.
Fixed bug with selection of images inside layers or other resizable containers on IE.
Fixed so editors isn't initialized on iPhone/iPad devices since they don't have caret support.

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19.05.2010 - 11:32
Сообщение #142

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Пользователь №: 78139

Fixed a critical bug with the fullscreen plugin. Produced error messages when the state was toggled on/off.
Version 3.3.5
Added new merge_with_parents option to formats, enables the control of removal of elements with similar parents.
Fixed so the default behavior for applying classes isn't a toggle state but the old behavior from before the 3.3 release.
Fixed bug where selecting contents using double click on Gecko would produce errors when using removing format.
Fixed bug where the IE DOM could get messed up when non valid contents was pasted into the editor.
Fixed bug where merging selected table cells using the context menu didn't work as expected.
Fixed bug where some nestled formatting would be applied incorrectly.
Fixed bug with enter in list items when using the force_br_newlines mode on WebKit patch contributed by Ryan Koopmans.
Fixed bug where undo/redo could produce js errors on some specific operations.
Fixed bug where the theme_advanced_font_sizes didn't work as before 3.3 when complex settings where used.
Fixed bug where the table plugin would copy cell/row id attributes when making new rows/cells.

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28.05.2010 - 13:09
Сообщение #143

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Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.3.6
Fixed bug where a editor.focus call could produce errors on IE in very specific scenarios.
Fixed bug where Gecko would produce an error if you unformatted text inside an empty element.
Fixed bug where IE would produce an error if the caret was placed before a table and you used the align buttons.
Fixed bug where the font size drop down didn't display the a preview correctly.
Fixed bug where the paste plugin wouldn't include all contents some times on WebKit browsers.
Fixed bug where the plain text mode toggle wouldn't work properly on WebKit.
Fixed bug where the editors statusbar would become invisible when you resized the window in fullscreen mode.
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10.06.2010 - 15:17
Сообщение #144

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Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.3.7
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6.08.2010 - 09:44
Сообщение #145

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Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.3.8
Fixed bug where WebKit would not move the caret to a correct position after a paste operation.
Fixed bug where WebKit would produce a div wrapper element when pasting some contents.
Fixed bug where the visual chars and nonbreaking plugin wouldn't show nbsp elements correctly.
Fixed bug where the format states would be enabled even after the format was removed.
Fixed bug where the delete key would move the caret to an incorrect position.
Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to toggle of the current font size/family/style by clicking the title item.
Fixed bug where the abbr element wouldn't get serialized correctly on IE6.
Fixed so that the examples checks if they are executed from the local file system since that might not work properly.
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14.09.2010 - 11:29
Сообщение #146

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Сообщений: 9023
Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.3.9
Fixed bug where inserting table rows into a table with subtable would produce an incorrect column count.
Fixed bug where the selection of cells in a table with subtables could produce invalid selections.
Fixed bug where the table plugin would produce a script error if you tried to move the caret before a first child table.
Fixed bug where the keep_styles feature on IE would move the caret to an incorrect location at the end of list blocks.
Fixed so attributes from legacy elements such as font gets retained when they get converted to spans.
Fixed minor issue where the select boxes wouldn't be set the not set by default in the table dialog.

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28.09.2010 - 16:00
Сообщение #147

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Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 9023
Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE Released
Fixed bug where WebKit browsers wouldn't activate the image button when images where selected.
Fixed bug where Opera Presto 10.60 deletes elements when restoring bookmarks.
Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 doesn't handle regexp replacement values correctly.
Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 didn't render the inline dialogs correctly due to a bug with CSS clip.
Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would produce error messages on load since they removed the document.recalc method.
Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would produce <html xmlns=""> since they haven't implemented document.implementation.createDocument correctly.
Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would searchreplace doesn't work since their native DOM Range doesn't have a find method.
Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would render the source view incorrectly due to incorrect viewport size measurements.
Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would crash when running the basic functionality unit tests.
Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would wrap elements in blocks correctly due to changes to the selection object.
Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would fail to insert contents since they havn't implemented the createContextualFragment method in their DOM Range.
Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would fail to handle image selection since they currently doesn't support control selections in their DOM Range.
Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would fail to load scripts since they fire the onload event before the scripts are parsed and executed.
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7.10.2010 - 19:50
Сообщение #148

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Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 9023
Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE Released
Fixed bug where placing the caret in IE 9 beta 1 would not work correctly if you clicked out side the document body element.
Fixed bug where IE 9 beta 1 wouldn't resize the editor correctly since the events didn't fire as previous versions did.
Fixed bug where FF would produce an error message when being rendered inside a hidden div element.
Fixed bug where resize logic could produce a cookie with a width/height less than the size of the container.
Fixed bug where content_css wouldn't populate the styles dropdown correctly.
693 Kb
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21.12.2010 - 16:54
Сообщение #149

Honorable Member
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Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 9023
Регистрация: 16.12.2004

Пользователь №: 78139

TinyMCE 3.4b1
Added new serialization engine that increases performance and enforces valid output according to the specified schema settings.
Added new HTML parser logic used by the serialization engine and can handle malformed html contents.
Added new valid_children config option, enables more fine grain control of elements can be inside other elements.
Added new entities encoding logic boost performance and will only encode entities based on context i.e. attributes/text nodes.
Added new protect setting that enables users to protect template items from being removed by the serializer logic.
Added new {$caret} marker for the mceInsertContent command. Makes it possible to move the caret to a specific position when inserting contents.
Added new validation of anchor names. Only valid W3C names will be accepted.
Replaced the internal _mce_ prefixed attributes to the more standard HTML5 data-mce- prefix. This will also resolve future browser santiaztion issues.
Fixed bug where the paste plugin wouldn't convert Word lists with more than 9 items to real ol lists. Patch contributed by Mike (yogaboy).
Fixed bug where clicking on a format title would produce errors if the current selection didn't have any formats.
Fixed bug where paste of simple texts wouldn't work correctly in Gecko using the paste plugin since it keeps block formatting.
Fixed bug where confirm dialogs didn't display correctly due to resent IE9 fixes.
Fixed bug where spaces in URLs wouldn't be properly encoded to %20 if the user entered them in the link dialogs. Patch contributed by Ephox.
Fixed bug where the image alignment buttons wouldn't reposition the resize handles on FF due to a browser issue. Patch contributed by Ephox.
Fixed bug where the compareBoundaryPoints method of the IE Range class didn't work correctly. Patch contributed by Ephox.
Fixed bug where selection of elements using double click wouldn't select the clicked element but rather the parent node on FF. Patch contributed by Ephox.
Fixed bug where IE would scroll the user to the current selection causing parent document to scroll as well. Patch contributed by Ephox.
Fixed bug where style compression would incorrectly compress items with different values. It now only compresses if the values are the same. Patch contributed by Ephox.
Fixed bug where FF would add non breaking spaces outside TD elements if formatting was applied to table cells. Patch contributed by Ephox.
Fixed bug where the caret position would be lost on WebKit browsers if you pasted images multiple times. Patch contributed by Ephox.
Fixed bug where non word contents like * would be counted as words in the wordcount pluging. Patch contributed by David Balatero.
Fixed bug where the toggle absolute button in the layer plugin wouldn't remove the existing internal style attribute first.
Fixed bug where the autosave plugin would generate an exception on IE if the user had disabled userdata persistence.
Fixed bug where the paste plugin would remove dashed classes on IE since the regexps didn't include that character.
Fixed bug where applying text color would not add spans inside link elements. This is needed due to CSS style inheritance.
Fixed bug where applying block formats to empty elements wouldn't render correctly on IE.
Fixed bug where the searchreplace plugin would add a f or r character when shortcuts where used on IE while using default dialogs.
Fixed bug where Opera wouldn't load scripts correctly since the onreadystate would fire even though the script wasn't loaded.
Fixed issue where &nbsp; wouldn't be handled correctly in the bbcode plugin if entity_encoding was set to raw.
Fixed issue where contents would flicker since the content css files where asynchronously loaded.
Fixed bug where WebKit wouldn't create links on images with a float style.
730 Kb
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