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Полная версия: The Bat! 9.5.1
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The Bat! - почтовая программа с многоязычным (в том числе русским) интерфейсом и возможностью его переключения 'на лету'. Поддерживаеся любое число почтовых ящиков (POP и IMAP), шифрование переписки с помощью PGP, имеется мощная и удобная система сортировки, диспетчер писем для оповещения о приходе почты на сервер и множество других, не менее полезных и очень удобных возможностей.

Домашняя страница: http://www.ritlabs.com/ru/products/thebat/
Сравнение версий: http://www.ritlabs.com/ru/products/thebat/diff.php
Лицензия: Shareware
ОС: NT4+SP6a/2000+SP4/XP/Server 2003/Vista/7/8

Страница загрузки:

The Bat! Voyager - мобильный почтовый клиент, который работает с любым портативным носителем информации: "флэшки", конверторы из USB в IDE, и так далее. The Bat! Voyager создан для того, чтобы получать и отправлять письма с любого компьютера.

Программа The Bat! Voyager сохранит Ваши личные шаблоны писем, защитит почту от вирусов, червей и других вредоносных программ.

The Bat! Voyager шифрует вашу базу писем паролем, то есть делает ваши личные данные действительно личными.

Если портативный носитель утерян, или похищен - неразглашение ваших данных гарантировано. Потеряв "флэшку", вы теряете лишь недорогой носитель информации, ведь вся переписка хранится в файлах резервных копий, которые вы делаете на стационарных компьютерах. Восстановление данных из резервной копии на "флэшку" занимает всего несколько минут.

С программой "The Bat! Voyager" Вы получите возможность:
Писать и отправлять письма с любого компьютера;
Производить поиск по базе писем в любое время;
Держать списки адресатов всегда под рукой;
Иметь доступ к архиву почты в любое время.

Домашняя страница: http://www.ritlabs.com/ru/products/voyager/
Лицензия: Shareware
Страница загрузки: http://www.ritlabs.com/ru/products/voyager/download.php

Нажмите для просмотра прикрепленного файла
AntispamSniper для The Bat!
AntispamSniper для The Bat! - это плагин к The Bat! и Voyager, обеспечивающий профессиональную антиспамовую и антифишинговую защиту для вашего почтового ящика. Комбинация из нескольких методов автоматической классификации почты дает отличное качество фильтрации спама при минимуме ошибок. Встроенный механизм проверки заголовков позволяет удалять большую часть спама прямо на сервере, не скачивая все письма полностью. Поддерживаются протоколы POP3 и IMAP.

Домашняя страница: http://antispamsniper.com/ru/thebat_plugin.html
Сравнение версий: http://antispamsniper.com/ru/tbp_compare.html
Лицензия: Freeware / Shareware
ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (x86/x64)
История изменений: http://antispamsniper.com/ru/history.html
Страница загрузки: http://antispamsniper.com/ru/products.html

Вопросы по The Bat!
РЕЛИЗ band.gif

TheBat! V3.5 Home edition
5480448 Bytes
14 May 2005 00:47:40

TheBat! V3.5 Professional edition
9561600 Bytes
14 May 2005 00:47:40

International Pack
4447744 Bytes
14 May 2005 00:47:40
Что нового в The Bat! 3.5

What's new in The Bat! 3.5 (comparing to v3.01)?
[ Legend: ]
[ ! Major Improvement ]
[ + Added feature ]
[ * Improved/changed feature ]
[ - Bug fixed (we hope) ]

[!] Fully customizable user interface
[!] On-The-Fly-Encryption (only in Professinal version)
[!] Biometric authentication (only in Professinal version)
[+] Scheduler action in filters
[+] Macros in filter actions
[+] Grouping by date/sender/recipient
[+] Support of simultaneous IMAP connections
[-] Various bugfixes
TheBat! v3.5 Professional edition (9,3 Mb):

Cr-=-ack (104 Kb):

Русификатор (488 Kb):

Проверка орфографии в The Bat! - необходим для проверки в Win XP, 2003, а так же в Win 9x и 2000 если не установлен MS Office (1,2 Mb):
The Bat! Home _http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files/the_bat/thebat_home.msi
The Bat! Pro _http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files/the_bat/thebat_professional.msi
поставь поддержку MSI (Microsoft Installer)
(для win98)
The Bat! v3.51.9 Install

Home Edition:

Profesional Edition:

Lang Pack

[-] Smiles might not work

Чек-поинт пройден, играем дальше...
TheBat! v3.51.10 Home and Professional edition (final the releases)

RITLabs updated that finally the releases of the version v3.5.30 on v3.51.10. The current final TheBat! Version v3.51.10 lies now as Home and Professional edition ready for the Download.

9742336 Bytes
25 Jul 2005 16:42:13

5533696 Bytes
25 Jul 2005 16:39:39

4576256 Bytes
25 Jul 2005 16:33:49
The Bat! v3.51.10 Professional Edition CRA-=-CKED exe от * B L A C K M A G I C *

Size: 3 811 545 bytes
The Bat! v3.60.03 Forerunner
[-] (0005005) Failure while changing folder name in OTFE 
[-] (0004781) "Check folder for viruses" did stop checking after the first error of an antivirus plugin. 
[-] (0005034) Autohotkey feature make the chinese translation wrong 
[-] MAPI: Bugs with MAPIReadMail, AV errors on exit when Simple MAPI was used 
[-] MAPI: Bug in processing SimpleMAPI requests causing slow functioning of the subsystem 
[*] MAPI: some cosmetic fixes for SimpleMapi 
[*] Other: right alignment of name column in message header pane 
[-] Other: account couldn't be moved up/down 
[-] Other: cursor Tabbing problem in Headers 
[*] Other: Added more free space around progress characters in the view of window of backup progress.

The Bat! 3.60.07 Professional Edition (Beta) и The Bat! 3.60.07 Home Edition (Beta).

The Bat! 3.60.07 Professional Edition (Beta) - http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/beta/thebat_pro_3-60.msi [9.97 Mb]
The Bat! 3.60.07 Home Edition (Beta) - http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/beta/thebat_home_3-60.msi [5.61 Mb]

Списка изменений пока нет, извините.
Данных о работоспособности лекарства тоже нет :(

Сегодня же выложена обновленная версия языкового модуля (31.08.2005)
• Скачать - http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/intpack.msi [4.72M]

Источник © LEMnews
TheBat! v3.60 Final
Professional Edition:

Home Edition:

International Pack for Home Edition:
The Bat! v3.64 Christmas Edition
[! ] Significantly improved Search speed
[* ] Improved Unicode support
[* ] Improved editor and autocompletion
[* ] Slightly modified IMAP
[+ ] Updated help file
[- ] Various bugfixes

[           Legend:          ]
[ ! Major Improvement        ]
[ + Added feature            ]
[ * Improved/changed feature ]
[ - Bug fixed (we hope)      ]

• Скачать:
> TheBat! v3.64 Professional Edition - http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files/the_bat/thebat_pro_3-64.msi [10.6 Mb]
> TheBat! v3.64 Home Edition - http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files/the_bat/thebat_home_3-64.msi [6.4 Mb]
> International Pack for Home Edition - http://www.ritlabs.com/download/the_bat/intpack.msi [4.5 Mb]
TheBat! Voyager 3.64 Pro Final
[-] Aktivierungsproblem

• Скачать - http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/voyager_install.exe [9388.9 Kb]

Citation from Maxim Masiutim:
Unfortunately, 3.63.15 did contain an error in the activation procedure, and if you've activated that version, you will need to activate it again.
The Bat v3.64.01 Professional Christmas Edition
патчик от TWK:

то же на:
The Bat! v3.65.04 Beta
What´s new in 3.65.04 :
[-] Better name resolution in Exhchange MAPI sessions;
[*] Better mail retrieval for Exchange server.

• Скачать - http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/beta/tbb36504.rar [3 996 444 байт]
The Bat! Voyager v3.70.06 Beta

Скачать: _http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/beta/voyager37006.rar (3,7 Мб)
The Bat! 3.72.12 beta
Скачать _http://www.ritlabs.com/download/the_bat/beta/tbb37212.rar
Что нового :
[*] dupe killer: take Subject into account if message doesn´t have a MsgID
[*] ´Sorting office´ re-design
[-] Customizer fixes
The Bat! 3.80 Release Candidate 1

Pro версия
_http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files/the_bat/beta/thebat_pro_3-80.msi (10201 Кб)

Home версия
_http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files/the_bat/beta/thebat_home_3-80.msi (6040 Кб)

EXE only
_http://allbat.info/download/thebat/beta/tb3.80.rc1_exe_only.rar (3943 Кб)
The Bat! 3.80.03
история изменений - _http://www.ritlabs.com/en/products/thebat/news_detail.php?ID=1359
Pro - _http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files/the_bat/thebat_pro_3-80-03.msi
Home - _http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files/the_bat/thebat_home_3-80-03.msi
Компания RITLabs выпустила The Bat! v3.80 FINAL

Мы выпускаем новую версию программы The Bat!, надеемся она порадует всех наших без исключения.
Самым большим нововведением в этой версии стал настройщик интерфейса (customiser). Мы его полностью переделали с целью
улучшить и упростить процесс настройки интерфейса пользователем.
Изменениям подверглось диалоговое окно свойств папки. Теперь оно похоже по своей структуре на диалоговое окно свойств
почтового ящика.
Изменения, так же, коснулись Сортировщика писем, функции Поиска, редактора писем и IMAP.
К исправлению ошибок в программе мы, также, подошли основательно.
Процедура обновления на новую версию программы проста: нет необходимости переустанавливать The Bat! - достаточно просто
установить новую версию поверх старой. Все настройки, письма и адресные книги сохранятся.
Пользователям Home Edition рекомендуется обновить
h*tp://www.ritlabs.com/download/files/the_bat/intpack-3-80-02.msi]Языковой модуль

Загрузка h*tp://www.ritlabs.com/download/files/the_bat/thebat_pro_3-80-03.msi]Professional и
h*tp://www.ritlabs.com/download/files/the_bat/thebat_home_3-80-03.msi]Home версии.

Что нового в The Bat! 3.80.03 (по сравнению с v3.71.03)?

[ Легенда: ]
[ ! Существенное улучшение ]
[ + Добавленная функциональность ]
[ * Исправлена/изменена функция ]
[ - Исправлена ошибка (надеемся) ]

[!] New interface customiser with rich capabilities
[*] Folder properties re-design
[*] 'Sorting office' re-design
[+] Filters: Ignore and read option for Selective download Filters
[+] "Load remote messages" command to queue loading of all unread (or selected) messages that were not downloaded from
IMAP server at once.
[*] Message Editor: AB template is invoked the same once another header field is selected
[*] First four search scopes in message finder made persistent
[*] The "Display message groups as messages..." option
[*] (#0004197) RFC-2231 is now supported for received messages
[-] (#0005663) Stop messages search not recognized
[-] (#0005742) LDAP Addressbook search could cause AVs
[-] (#0004722) Virtual Folders not showing all messages it should
[-] (#0004597) Backuping IMAP mails fails....
[-] (#0005751) Message list header has white background when using multiple sort
[-] (#0005757) Character set of the message changed in a VF is not saved
[-] (#0003157) Addressing a message to event's linked Address Book entries was not possible in a scheduled action of
message creation
[-] (#0005555) Many duplicates in "Disable opening files" field in Protection section of Preferences dialog
[-] (#0005730) "Regexp too long" when opening attachments
[-] (#0005724) Scheduler actions for Sending/Receiving mail was not working
[-] (#0005793) (Beta) Option to send messages generated with filter actions was ignored
[-] (#0005374) roughly-estimated attachment size shown as exact.
[-] (#0004054) Errors while importing LDIF go to EXCEPT.LOG and do not cancel the entire process
[-] (#0005550) Moving a filter in the filter tree could make another filter selected
[-] (#0005769) It was not possible to Use links to address groups in the "Wath&Send files" action
[-] (#0005390) Problem with Windows-1258 character set
[-] (#0005578) A cosmetic issue in the Account Properties dialogue
[-] (#0005782) Cosmetic bug in MicroEd caused text "leftover" when font's character set was changed
[-] (#0005769) Watch and Send files action was not sending one file when multiple files were sent separately
[-] (#0005817) Wrong button positioning in the Folder Properties dialogue when large fonts were used
[-] (#0005820) Sorting Office resize bug
[-] (#0005812) commas in pop: and imap: URIs weren't %-coded
[-] filename added to EXCEPT.LOG message when failed to create a LDAP#x.ABD file
[-] SMTP Auth was reset if account "created" by an existing one.
[-] IMAP: remote outbox fixes
The Bat! 3.80.03 serial by 6y120p0 / vdown
The Bat! Voyager v3.80.04 (Final release)

_http://ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/voyager_install-3-80-04.exe (9,3 Мб)
The Bat! v3.80.06 Final Release

Professional Edition

Home edition
Полезности для бата
avp1985 так: кликаешь по письму правой кнопкой вывалится меню в котором выберешь
- Специальное | Пометить как спам
- Специальное | Пометить как НЕ спам
нужное сам выберешь, а еще там в проге есть русский хелп это чтоб правила писать самое оно.
А ещё - для пунктов меню можно назначить комбинации клавиш. Для этого открой диалог
Вид | Панели инструментов | Настроить и там установите клавиши быстрого доступа как тебе удобно.
и чем тебя не устраивает антиспам из пост№1042, все что выше описал относиться к нему
Ну раз уж про него начали то "Вышел AntispamSniper for The Bat! 1.5" (с)

Что нового в AntispamSniper для The Bat! 1.5?
[ + Новая функциональность ]
[ * Улучшено/изменено ]
[ - Исправлен баг (надеемся) ]

+ Плагин теперь может удалять спам на сервере по заголовкам.
+ Добавлена проверка DNSBL.
+ Добавлен список стоп-слов для распознавания явного спама по ключевым
словам в теме писем.
+ Плагин опционально обучается на исходящих сообщениях как не-спаме.
+ Можно отключать фильтрацию для определенных почтовых ящиков при помощи
режима фильтрации для соответствующей учетной записи.
- Не отключались антифишинговые правила.
- Исправлена ошибка, приводившая к невозможности установки плагина на некоторых компьютерах.

Загрузить: http://antispamsniper.com/download/sniper-ru-1.5.exe
AntispamSniper for The Bat! v.1.6.3 *Read NFO* - Cracked - Gelios
Цитата(CrazyiIvan @ 25.08.2006 - 09:47) *

Кто знает, существует ли в природе русский язык для проверки орфографии в Мыше!

Где-то уже проскакивало в теме, искать лень.. )
Вот то что нужно: _http://www.nobat.ru/files/spellset.exe
The Bat! v3.81.17 RC1
Here is the short list of changes:
[ - ] OTFE: Unable to save a message as text file!
[ - ] the font of reading confirmation is not suitable for chinese characters
[ - ] #Help file missing in 3.81.16
[ - ] the font of dlSBCryptPlain is too small for chinese translation
[ - ] Attachments are renamed: name -> #name

• Скачать - http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/beta/tbb38117.rar [4.01 Mb]
The Bat! v3.81.18 RC2
Here is the short list of changes:
[ - ] problem with exporting message with deleted external attachment
[ - ] default created viewmodes don't work
[ - ] Replying to an HTML message results in incorrect line break in original message.
[ - ] AV on inserting smiley
[ - ] Incorrect log with Selective Download
[ - ] Delete message confirmation is not shown under some occasions
[ - ] 'Yesteday' filter in VMs and tabs

• Скачать - http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/beta/tbb38118.rar [4 Mb]
TheBat! v3.85.01 (Final Release)
Home Edition:

Professional Edition:

TheBat! v3.85.01 (Final)

Home Edition :
_ttp://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/thebat_home_3-85-01.msi [6141.5 KB]
Professional Edition :
_ttp://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/thebat_pro_3-85-01.msi [10480.5 KB]
exe :
_ttp://allbat.info/download/thebat/release/3.85.01/tb_3.85.01_exe_only.rar [4064.6 KB]
The Bat! 3.85.01 Final Release

Последний официальный International Pack v.3.82.01 (04.09.06):
_http://allbat.info/download/interface/intpack_3-82-01.msi (4700 Кб)

Полный список изменений со времени выхода прошлого релиза 3.80.06
[ Легенда: ]
[ ! Существенное улучшение ]
[ + Добавленная функциональность ]
[ * Исправлена/изменена функция ]
[ - Исправлена ошибка (надеемся) ]

[*] Ability to change autochecking and check on startup from cmdline
[*] cmdline /add additional parameters
[*] The option "Keep association between signing and encryption certificates" in S/MIME CryptoAPI implementation is now ON by default.
[*] "Enable OpenPGP" editor option is now OFF by default for new accounts.
[*] Better transport protocol logging for Exchange (MAPI) connections.
[*] A new query "This mass mailing has found contacts in the address book that share the same e-mail address. Do you wish to skip duplicates contacts in this mass mailing so there will be one message per distinct e-mail?"
[*] Submission Form editing buttons in the "Preferences" dialog will be invisible unless you use /EDIT_SUBMISSION_FORMS command line parameter.
[*] When logging TLS Socket error codes, the explanation is given in attention to numeric error.
[*] Removed additional "New" nesting from the address book and the Sorting Office editor window.
[*] Now there are more details in TLS error messages.
[*] The log file of exceptions is now kept in Unicode format, it is now ex_log.txt (was except.log)
[*] The Bat! did store "User Depot" in Registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareRITThe Bat!Users depot) and if a registry key was deleted, after you run The Bat! and select the directory to "Store E-mail data", The Bat! now is able to find the accounts stored in this directory and offer you to use them, so you don't have to run the Account Creation Wizzard for each account.
[+] When connecting to Microsoft Exchange Server via MAPI, you can turn on "Log transport details" options in the account properties, Transport tab. This will create account_exchange.log file in your account directory during subsequent MAPI sessions. This log file is in Unicode format.
[+] Option to change IMAP interval for fetching all flags
[+] Ability to check for updates on start up and from scheduler
[+] New command line parameter /DONTSTAYONTOPLOGO which prescribes The Bat! do show the startup logo window, but this window would not stay on top over the other windows.
[+] A button to add submission forms.
[+] Default values for submission forms can also be loaded from XML files.
[+] The Bat! now keeps associations between recipient emails and certificates for encryption also for S/MIME Internal Implementation. Previously, this have been done only for signing, not for encryption in S/MIME Internal Implementation. However, in CryptoAPI Implementation, both signing and encryption certificates were associated with emails.
[+] "Autosubmit" option in Submission Forms.
[+] Added support for anyExtendedKeyUsage in EnhKeyUsage certificate extension.
[-] When sending outgoing messages via Exchange protocol while another session with this Exchange server was active, the message was left in Outbox rather than queuing out for deletion.
[-] When importing Windows Address Book (Outlook Express), address groups weren't handled properly.
[-] Incorrect filtering by priority in VFs and ViewModes
[-] Other: broken multiforward from common folders
[-] The Report text-box in the Maintenance Center don't scrolls down
[-] Inconsistences of forwarding messages from filters
[-] TheBat! missed icons on some low-color environments
[-] MAPI: attached files had extensions .tmp instead of correct ones
[-] In S/MIME CryptoAPI implementation, if a certificate did contain several e-mail addresses, The Bat! could use this certificat with one address onlyl, and the other e-mail addresses were ignored.
[-] In S/MIME CryptoAPI, you might be getting "The revocation status of the certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain is either off-line or stale" error. Now The Bat! ignores CERT_TRUST_IS_OFFLINE_REVOCATION error and you should no longer get this error message.
[-] MAPI: fixed ignorance of "To:" field
[-] If a user selects an account root entry but not a single folder, then in the menu Tools/Import messages, all of the sub-menu items are grayed out, including Mailbox Import Wizard which is not folder-specific.
[-] Invalid characters were displayed in some of the columns of submission forms dialogue.
[-] When account configuration files were missing in the account directory, the message templates became blank, instead of getting back to default.
[-] Some details of CryptoAPI errors might not be displayed properly to the user.
[-] The option "bind attachments only while sending out mail" could cause The Bat! to send messages with 0-sized attachments if the files were held by another applications (locked) or deleted since the user have attached the files but before sending them out.
[-] When working with OpenPGP and trying to encrypt to a missing certificate, then the "error" dialog didn't hide after pressing OK or Close button.
[-] The option "Bind attachments only while sending out mail" will now be OFF by default for newly-created accounts.
[-] Some print drivers might give "Invalid floating point operation".
[-] There might be question marks in the account log.
[-] Button captions in the "Connection Centre" could be incorrectly displayed under Windows XP.
[-] Checking new messages on Exchange server when there were thousands of already received mails on the server but no new messages, was very slow.
[-] When working with Exchange server and the option to delete messages on server was "ON", The Bat! didn't delete messages from "Sent" folder.
[-] Concurrent Exchange sessions might hang.
[-] There might be question marks in the maintenance centre.
[-] There were question marks in the Menu Navigator
[-] System error messages should be given in the language of The Bat! interface if Windows supports this language.
[-] Fixed "multiple quotes" bug when working with Exchange server via MAPI or importing messages from MS Outlook.
[-] Probably a fix for 'Server reports it is not ready, reply: ""' meaningless error message.
[-] Probably a fix for 'Server reports it is not ready, reply: ""' meaningless error message.
[-] problem with Folder Properties dialog on large fonts
[-] S/MIME Internal Implementation didn't allow to encrypt to certificates that did not contain a private key.
[-] When during a POP3 session there were an exception (e.g. AV) during import to the message base or filter processing, no further messages were processed, The Bat! did silently stop importing messages, although continue to retrieve them from server
[-] When a filter did try export messages to non-existing drive, the importing process could stall
[-] When a filter did fail to export messages, there were no error given
[-] problem with exporting message with deleted external attachment
[-] default created viewmodes don't work
[-] 'Yesteday' filter in VMs and tabs
[-] (#0005899) Updating Filters when changing account name
[-] (#0005396) "Move up", "Move down", "Move in", "Move out" are not working correctly when moving folders across accounts in OTFE mode
[-] (#0000647) TB is connecting to server if is TRIAL PERIOD EXPIRED window displayed
[-] (#0001334) Button 'Open PGP Signature Validation Log' works improperly
[-] (#0005919) Invalid display of folder tabs when The Bat! interface language is different from Windows language for non-unicode programs
[-] (#0005931) Messages Tab gui oddity; not showing searched text
[-] (#0005917) TB! v. 3.81.04 fails to paint a complete window on launch; and the Mail Ticker flashes/flickers.
[-] (#0005528) it was not possible to print EML files
[-] (#0002787) "Main Menu" String in Menu Navigator was untranslatable
[-] (#0004545) AB entry popup/file menu entry use the wrong string
[-] (#0000721) Wrong charset is used in Log window (message dlPOPLogMsgInfo)
[-] (#0001041) Connection Centre: Task display does not refresh properly
[-] (#0005119) "Tools" / "Privacy" / "Verify Signature" calls verification process twice if the first fails
[-] (#0002776) No recipient error usability issue while saving draft
[-] (#0002956) The Bat sometimes generates MIME headers longer than 79 characters when using "name=" or "filename=" parameters, this can be avoided by using folding.
[-] (#0004216) Importing CSV into AB with a field in one char produces empty field
[-] (#0002363) Import of Suffix & Prefix Reversed from comma-delimited CSV file
[-] (#0005762) duplicated e-mail address while importing cert
[-] (#0002765) The Bat! doesn't respond properly to shutdown or logoff messages
[-] (#0005370) Empty main window after a restore or abnormal exit on a first run. For example, after restoring from a backup, if the main form is almost empty, the user should switch the "window split mode" to get things back.
[-] (#0005070) Retrieved messages from POP server are not imported because of first message
[-] (#0005975) Untranslatable option "Decrypt message" and whole dialog "Decrypt message" in Sorting Office
[-] (#0005976) Actions are missing in main menu and context menu in Sorting office dialog
[-] (#0005945) Message "No updates available" not translatable
[-] (#0005977) Action "Check for update" and whole dialog "Check for update" in Scheduler is untranslatable
[-] (#0005978) Context menu item "Execute task now" is enabled even no task is selected
[-] (#0005950) Address Book: wrong addresses could appear in pop-up menu for entries with multiple e-mail addresses.
[-] (#0002174) It was possible to gain access to messages in a folder of a password-protected account via reminder action
[-] (#0005985) Move controlelements for a better (German) translation and usability
[-] (#0005985) Move controlelements for a better (German) translation and usability
[-] (#0005991) OTFE: Unable to save a message as text file!
[-] (#0005995) the font of reading confirmation is not suitable for Chinese characters
[-] (#0005994) the font of dlSBCryptPlain is too small for Chinese translation
[-] (#0005987) Attachments are renamed: name -> #name
[-] (#0001384) Replying to an HTML message results in incorrect line break in original message.
[-] (#0001203) Incorrect log with Selective Download
[-] (#0001411) Delete message confirmation is not shown under some occasions

Обновлененный русификатор от Ивана Болховитинова (04/09/06)
_http://allbat.info/download/interface/thebat.lng.only.rus.eng.2006.09.04.rar [172.5 KB]
Пострелиз The Bat! 3.85.02


The Bat! 3.85.03 Pro
The Bat! 3.85.03 Final PostRelease

Professional [10479.5 KB]:
Home [6140.5 KB]:
Только исполняемый exe файл [4044.1 KB]:

Список изменений:
[+] Minimize on close option
[-] (#0005580) VF search (filter) in 'Text' does not work at all
[-] (#0005582) Autocomplete suggestion list box doesn't disappear, when user fills not matching part of name
[-] (#0005553) When user enters text and autocompletes it in header field, everything disappears after pressing "Enter"
[-] (#0005559) Browsing virtual folder via "Enter" key or menu item doesn't work
[-] (#0005562) AV then I close without close messages source
[-] (#0005565) Groupbox Options in Folder - Properties
[-] (#0005566) Sound tab in folder properties
[-] (#0004852) Sometimes messages don't filtered in Inbox
[-] (#0005563) AV and runtime error after creating new IMAP folder
[-] (#0005557) Lock up when searching "any part" using VF
[-] (#0005502) F1 doesn't work in message view (not main window)
[-] IMAP filtering
[-] IMAP message list retrieval
[-] Import from MS Office 2000 Outlook and earlier didn't work in The Bat! since version 2.05.
[*] Better error logging for MAPI Exchange connections.
[-] When importing messages from MS Outlook or retrieving from MS Exchange server via MAPI, transport message headers (RFC-822) weren't preserved for messages delivered by SMTP.
The Bat! Voyager v3.85.03 Final release

Скачать [9660 Кб]:

Только исполняемый exe файл версии 3.85.03 [3859 Кб]:
The Bat v3.86.02

Изменения в v3.86.02:
[ * ] Previous versions of The Bat! did use THEBAT.IPC file (located in the same directory with thebat.exe, e.g. C:Program FilesThe Bat!) for interprocess communication.
Writing to Program Files directory is deprecated under windows NT-based operating systems (windows Vista, windows XP, windows 2000 Professional, windows NT Workstation etc.).
The Bat! now uses THEBAT.IPC under windows Me, windows 98, or windows 95 only. Under windows NT-based operating systems The Bat! used named pipe ".pipeThe Bat! 0 CmdLine", where 0 is the current session ID (i.e. 0 - first logged user, 1 - second logged user and so on).
Under desktop operating system the ID is most probably 0, while under Terminal Servers it may vary depending on the number of simultaneously logged users.
[ * ] When an attach is open from a preview pane, its original name is used
The Bat! 3.86.03

-It should fix the problems with OTFE of previous beta, and should work faster than before.

The Bat! Voyager v3.86.03 Final release

_http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/voyager_install-3-86-03.exe (9479 Кб)
AntispamSniper for The Bat! 1.7 Beta 3
Fixed: Problem with resources under OSes lower than XP
Minor UI updates

File Size: 1,730 KB
TheBat! 3.86.04 ALPHA (3997 Кб)
4093272 Bytes
Last-Modified: 15 Nov 2006 12:35:24 GMT


Was ist Neu in 3.86.04 Alpha:
[-] Not work in OTFE with eToken

Zitat von Maxim:
But this ALPHA is not yet well tested, please use it with caution and let us know immediately of any problems that may ocur.
The Bat! 3.86.05 ALPHA (4005 Кб)


[+] Attached file names now can contain any characters, including the alphabets which are not default for the current language settings.
[+] New command line parameter /TERMINATE to exit from The Bat! regardless of active mail sessions.
[-] Export message to file did use improper "File Open" dialog.
[-] (#0004831) Buttons "Edit/Delete" in Submission Forms are allways enabled even no SF exists and is selected
[-] Folding of MIME-encoded file names could lead to incorrect decoding in MBCS.
The Bat! 3.86.06 ALPHA (beta)
[ - ] Fixed a bug of previous beta with "part.txt" attachment
[ - ] Fixed a bug of previous beta with popup menu of attachments hidden to button
[ - ] Some windows of The Bat! did use "MS Sans Serif" font. Now default system font is used for all labels
[ - ] Under Windows Vista, the "Segoe UI" font is used for the interface
[ + ] Attached file names now can contain any characters, including the alphabets which are not default for the current language settings (also applies to 3.86.04 and 3.86.05)

• Скачать - http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/beta/tbb38606.rar [4 097 323 b]
The Bat! 3.86.07 ALPHA (beta)
[ + ] The Bat! now supports IPv6 protocol. You can specify server addresses in IPv6 numeric format like fde9:159d:6172::1 or in canonical form. If a host has an IPv6 record in DNS, The Bat! will connect to this host via IPv6.
[ - ] Fixed an AV in Finder in of previous beta.

AntispamSniper for The Bat! 1.7 Beta 5
New fast DNSBL checking procedure
New format of storages for the configuration files is implemented for avoiding errors after unexpected shutdowns of email client
Vista is supported
Fixed a bug in parsing email addresses with a comma inside the name
German translation is added

File Size: 1,631 KB
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